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The Gospel According to twilight - Notes
The Gospel According to twilight - Notes
by SPCK - Elaine Heath
Notes Introduction 1. -2009-twilight-saga-publishing-program/, accessed August 3, 2009. 2. Domestic and foreign box office receipts for all of the films are available at http://boxoffi…
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Preface
Twelve Months of Sunday year c - Preface
by SPCK - N T Wright
Preface This book brings together my reflections based on the weekly biblical readings in the official lectionary now in use in the Church of England. The pieces first appeared in the Church Times; the encouraging response to them suggests that they should be made available in a …
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 39:1, 4, 5
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 39:1, 4, 5
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 39:1, 4, 5 The tongue and heart, two organs at the centre of life. As this psalm shows, what goes on in the metaphorical heart eventually comes out through the tongue literally. Bridling the tongue and muzzling the mouth especially when faced with those who have it in for y…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 49:3-4
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 49:3-4
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 49:3-4 The heart is the seat of the will. It is also the mat for meditation where we muse imaginatively about how God is at work within us. Stories, songs, music and poetry all help us to meditate. You can lose yourself in a story and then deep in the drama suddenly see you…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 45:1
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 45:1
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 45:1 Because the heart is the seat of the will it has the authority to direct the imagination. This psalm is a paean of praise to the king. To a cynical age as ours it sounds somewhat sycophantic! You are, in our time, unlikely to hear such praise for our leaders and those …
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 22:14
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 22:14
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 22:14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart also in the midst of my body is even like melting wax. Recovering from heart surgery I could not find a more vivid expression to describe my aching body and soul. Anaesthesia, sedation and painkil…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 61:1-2
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 61:1-2
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 61:1-2 ‘Hear what comfortable words our Saviour Christ saith unto all that truly turn to him. “Come unto me all that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you.”’ This is the Gospel invitation at the heart of the service of Holy Communion in the Book of Common Pray…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 64:6-7, 10
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 64:6-7, 10
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 64:6-7, 10 The fate of the enemy in the psalms is an inescapable motif and a problem for many. The origin of evil and sin has perplexed the human mind since the days of Adam and Eve. The sad truth is that, whatever the cause, the human heart can secretly harbour in its dept…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:69-70
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:69-70
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 119:69-70 Fat hearts are bad for you, physically and spiritually. This psalm is a spiritual health warning for those whose heart ‘is as fat as brawn’. Pride is the symptom of a gross heart. The problem is that the proud do not always see their pride, it escapes their notice…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:34, 36
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:34, 36
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 119:34, 36 Like the eye, the heart can wander. Sometimes it seems as if the eye has the heart on a lead! Like pushing a child on a tricycle and constantly needing to reset the direction with the handlebars, so the heart needs steering. We have to set the heart’s direction w…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:80
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:80
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 119:80 Shame has all but disappeared from our society like vinyl records and black Bakelite phones. Symptomatic, I think, of a culture that would like to shrug off guilt in the quest to feel good. Today’s mantra is that nobody should ever feel bad about themselves. This is …
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:32
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119:32
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 119:32 Freedom. We may not have been born free, but for freedom we were made and redeemed. Walking near our cottage where I was convalescing I penned these couplets: Free as a fly that dodges the swat, free as a fish that misses the plot, Free as the wind that snaps the twi…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 104:15
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 104:15
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 104:15 God knows what makes the human heart glad! All manner of things including good food and good wine. Yet these are but tokens of God’s providence as this psalm makes abundantly clear. It holds before us in poetry the blessings of heaven that God has rained down upon th…
Acts for Everyone part 1 - Back to Peter
Acts for Everyone part 1 - Back to Peter
by SPCK - N T Wright
Back to Peter Acts 9.32-42 ‘When I look out of the window from where I am sitting, I have two quite different types of view. If I stretch my eyes and look through the trees (it is still spring, and the leaves have not yet blocked the view) I can see the ruined castle, standing on…
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Address in Antioch
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Address in Antioch
by SPCK - N T Wright
Address in Antioch Acts 13.13-25 I sat in the small meeting room, intrigued at what I was hearing. I had been invited to a presentation organized by local councillors and businessmen in a particular area. They had a project, and they wanted support for it. There was an old factor…
Acts for Everyone part 1 - Ananias and Saul